Sunday, November 10, 2013

World Revival Conference 2013

I bless The Lord and give all honor and glory to Him for all the wonderful inspiration and ability He has bestowed upon us for the ideas and food set ups for this weekend. Here is part of the set ups from Sunday's service.

Saturday, November 9, 2013

World Revival Conference- Saturday

World Revival Conference 2013

Bless The Lord for the great team He put together and for the inspiration and abilities He has given us for the food and setup for the conference without His leading and guiding we would have gotten no where. All honor and Glory to Jesus Christ!!!

Friday Evening

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Upcoming Blog Topics

Below is a list of upcoming blog topics that I am planning on posting along with time frames.

Week of November 3 2013: I will be sharing our journey as part of a group of people prepare a feast for the World Revival Conference that is sponsored by Ministries of Wayne Weaver Inc. and is hosted at Oasis Tabernacle in Sugarcreek, OH.

Sometime between November 11 and Thanksgiving I will be posting dinner ideas that I call cooking on a budget. I like a challenge so I will be seeing what I can cook for a family of four under $10.00.  I am currently planning on doing a weeks worth of posts for this topic.

After Thanksgiving and around the holidays I will be posting holiday cooking ideas some traditional and some out of the box.

I am always willing to share ideas and open to any ideas you may have send any emails to